I had a very rewarding time at Huddersfield, always feeling part of a team, moving forward with challenging, interesting and relevant research that has helped me develop research skills and opened up many opportunities.

Andrew Townsend

Arts and Humanities


Claire Booth

Art and Design


James Dyer

Art and Design


Clare Nadal

Art and Design


Rodrigo Constanzo



Cassandra Miller



Seth Parker Woods



Emma Levitt



CN Lester



Trevor Rawbone



Joe Smith

Media, Journalism and Film


Sawsan Hassan



Mira Benjamin



Jonanthan Lindley

Art and Design


Matthew Sergeant



Nicolas Bernier



Rose Dodd



Tadej Droljc


I am in no doubt that being able to show a recruiter that I was carrying out a PhD helped me to secure job opportunities. My PhD also helped me hugely once in these roles, as I was able to apply what I had learnt through my research, directly into the practices of my organisation, in real time. By completing my PhD whilst working my way up the career ladder, I was able to build up a professional profile which inevitably added to the pace of my progression.

Lauren Wray

Applied Sciences


Chris Charles

Biological Sciences


Mohammed Mahdi



Marina Soares da Silva

Biological Sciences


Mohammad Alyassin



Ravikanth Velagapudi



Zoe Hollis

Biological Sciences

My time at Huddersfield gave me many opportunities to learn the skills I needed to progress in my career, including being able to present my work at both national and international conferences.

Simon Albright

Computing and Engineering


Simon Albright



Saeed Talebi

Architecture and the Built Environment


Pelin Boyacioglu

Mechanical Engineering


Cencen Gong

Mechanical Engineering


Christopher Gribben



Teerachai Leeungculsatien



Keyur Mistry

Electronics and Communication Engineering


Michael Selig



Shams Tabriz

Mechanical Engineering


Andrew Townsend

Mechanical Engineering


Yuandong Xu



Isaac Pak Hung Leung



Osmane Camara



Kwame Akowua



Mike Aitchison

Music Technology


Philippa Hazell

Electronic and Electrical Engineering


Mazen Ismaeel Ghareb

Computing and Engineering

Lecturers at the University of Huddersfield are experienced and experts in their respective research fields. My PhD supervisors provided excellent mentorship and guidance to overcome all the challenges that I came across during my studies. The University of Huddersfield has an excellent Electrical and Electronics lab that consists of measurement equipment and PCB fabrication technology that helped me to design prototypes for my research work.

Keyur Mistry

Huddersfield Business School


Ali Gerged

Business and Management


Tamer Koburtay

Business and Management


Ijeoma Onwumere

Business and Management


Rose Martin

Business and Management


Kalliopi Michalakopoulou

Legal Operations and Project Management


Robin Robin

Business and Management


Lizzy Johnson

Business Administration and Management

At Huddersfield I especially liked the very friendly and helpful staff, the expertise and opportunities that were opened to me.

Michael Selig

Human and Health Sciences


Andy Hooton

Behavioural Sciences


Sarah Lloyd

Social Work


Maxwell McLean

Criminology/Criminal Justice 


Maud Mthembu-Mhlongo

Nursing and Midwifery


Rekaya Balang

Nursing and Midwifery


Helen Selby-Fell

Criminology / Criminal Justice


Ian Warwick



Dominic Willmott



Lauren Wray

Criminology / Criminal Justice

During my stay in the UK, I had the opportunity to engage with postgraduate students in a wide range of disciplines. That experience made me even more aware of the discourses surrounding religion, helping to cultivate my research orientation.

Sawsan Hassan

Education and Personal Development


Christine Phiri Mushibwe



Paul Ogden


I am so excited and grateful to have the excellent supervisors, Prof Fengshou Gu and Prof Andrew Ball, during my work in the Centre for Efficiency and Performance Engineering (CEPE) at School of Computing and Engineering (SCE). I am so lucky to be the 100th doctoral candidate of my supervisors.

Yuandong Xu