Direct Link
Research support plan
Skills audit

Progression Monitoring

-Progression monitoring student and supervisor submission declaration

-Progression monitoring 1 Assessor Report (PM1) 

-Progression monitoring 1 resubmission assessor report (PM1R)

-Progression monitoring 2 assessor report (PM2)

-Progression monitoring 2 resubmission assessor report (PM2R)

-Transfer assessment Master’s to PhD

-Progression monitoring – external assessor appointment form 

-Progression monitoring staff external assessor report

-How to submit your progression report 

Major changes to your research project
Additional time at the end of your programme
Application to change supervisory arrangements
Application for exam arrangements
External examiner’s profile and declaration
Preparing and submitting your thesis
Extensions and Interruptions
PGR Holiday Card
Recognition of prior learning
Withdrawal appeal form (for non-submission or non-engagement)
Research Misconduct Appeal
Student Complaints
Skills Audit and Research plan
Disciplinary Appeal
Assessment Appeal
Appeal against withdrawal
Interruption/extension appeal