There are over 500 PCs and 60 Macs available to ALL members of the University located in the Library (accessible by visiting level 4 of the Schwann Building) and in the 24/7 computer suite located near the Santander Bank branch on level 4 of the Schwann Building.

There is a PGR-specific computer room located on level five in the Library, room SB5/02 (Schwann Building, level 5, room 2). Entry is accessed by scanning your Library card. The Library also has bookable group study areas, group study rooms and presentation rooms, which can be booked here.

For a more informal working space visit Scholar’s Rest on level five of the Schwann Building.

For further information on School-specific PC locations and the software available, use the links to navigate. You will need to login with your University username and password. Enquire in your School for other School-specific PGR working spaces.

If you do not require a computer or are using your own device, there are plenty of other areas to work including levels 4 and 5 of Student Central, levels 3-7 in the Oastler Building and the many cafés located around campus.


Book a Library room

The Library has bookable group study areas, group study rooms and presentation rooms.

SchoolNo. of SpacesAllocated Room or Lab Space
MHM 0 Oastler space removed from MHM
HBS 33 One room in each of the three Research Centres
HHS 50 Elena Piscopia Suite Ramsden Building
SEPD 8 Ground Floor room next to Firth Street (students complained because it was too noisy to open window)
C&E 53-70 SJ4/01 (capacity 54) with additional PGRs based in individual research groups (IRR, CPT, MIAMI, CEPE) and room in Researcher Hub for the EEERG Research Group 
AS 100 Space in research labs, HPC offices, 3 rooms with hotdesk computers and 200 PGR lockers
ADA 50-60 BH3/01 in Hepworth building shared with PGT students
LIBRARY 20 Dedicated PGR computer space