
Whether you love or loathe interviews, they're a key part of the recruitment process and the more preparation you do in advance, the more effective you can be. On the day, remember to:

  • Dress appropriately
  • Arrive in good time
  • Use positive and confident body language
  • Remember that nerves are normal and can help you to focus
  • Give full answers that unpack the skills you've used
  • Do yourself justice - don't skimp on what you've achieved. Interviews aren't a time for being bashful!
  • Remember to be polite and personable to all the people you meet on the day.

Interviews booklet

Practical tips on how to prepare for an interview and the typical types of questions you may face.

Interview practice

Check out Graduates First for practice tests and interviews

Resources for interviews and assessment centres

Sites and resources to help with interviews and assessment centres

Book an interview appointment

Practice for an upcoming job interview by doing a 'mock interview' with one of our careers staff and get individualised feedback.

How to… Be Successful at Interviews

Are you nervous about interviews? Everyone is! But here’s how to overcome those nerves. Whether it’s an online video, telephone, or face-to-face interview, learn techniques to showcase your skills and experience.

Useful links

Prospects - A leading website resource to explore resources to help prepare for interviews

targetjobs - Explore resources to help prepare and navigate the interview process

Glassdoor - Search for interview questions used by employers

PwC Employability Hub - Practical resources to support you with: online tests, assessment centres and interviews