Contact us

Connect with us

Whether you're at the ideas stage or are already trading, we are here to help all Huddersfield students, graduates and staff - for life!

Take the first step by:

  1. Clicking here to register with us and book a quick chat
  2. Dropping by the Enterprise Hub (BIC2/19)
  3. Or contacting us at or 01484 256766 to find out more about how we can help you.

Our service hours are Monday to Friday, 09:00 to 16:00.

We offer

    • Welcoming, interactive Enterprise Workshops and Business Boot Camps on business-related subjects
    • Useful information, templates, business books and news on business issues
    • Access to the business incubation space and hot desk office facilities in the Enterprise Hub (BIC2/19)
    • Potential access to grant funding to help get your business idea off the ground provided you have engaged with the team and demonstrated the enthusiasm, self-discipline and time needed to develop your business
    • Ongoing projects throughout the year such as Enactus Huddersfield 
    • Support for International Students considering applying for, or already on, the Graduate or Innovator Founder visas