Below are the profiles of students taking the Masters and BEng route involved within Team Hawk's 2021-22 UAS Challenge.
Click on a picture below to see a more detailed profile of each team member.

2021 Team


Kieran Dodds

Team Leader


Charles Hargreaves

Propulsions Lead


Danyaal Hussain

Salvage and Failsafe Lead


James Bazley

Subsystem Focus: Propulsions


James Gregory

Subsystem Focus: Control Surfaces


Karam Jagdev

Subsystem Focus: Flight Computer Lead


Kaylum Overton

Subsystem Focus: Mechanical and Airframe


Linet Wanjohi

Subsystem Focus: Social and Landing Gead Lead


Nathan Schofield

Subsystem Focus: COMS/GPS Lead


Sam Jones

Subsystem Focus: Electrical and Flight Computer Lead