Timetable Frequently Asked Questions

Timetables can sometimes be confusing. Please do not worry if you are having problems understanding your timetable, these FAQs aim to resolve them. Alternatively, if you're in your first few weeks at the University, your tutor will be able to explain any queries you have during induction sessions.

When is my timetable released?

Don’t be worried if a fellow student has their timetable and you don’t have yours. We release them as they are ready, so some students may get them a little earlier than others. Timetables should be visible in early September and after you are enrolled.

Your timetable will clearly indicate which teaching sessions are on campus and which will be delivered online. On-campus sessions will have a room number and online session will have a link for you to click to join the session.

Once visible, we advise you check your timetable frequently.

I can't access my timetable.

If you're struggling to access your timetable, please see the guidance on accessing and understanding your timetable. Please also ensure you have read the information provided above in regard to when your timetable will be released.

Where can I find my timetable?

Your timetable is on the homepage of MyHud. Log in using your University credentials.

I don't understand my timetable.

You can find additional information on making sense of your timetable and understanding room codes on our timetable information pages.

What time zone is my timetable displayed in?

The time zone of your calendar and timetable is based on the time zone of your device. Please ensure that you aware of the time zone of your device when viewing all of your sessions. In particular, please be aware of the time zone of your device if you are based outside of the UK or have recently travelled into another time zone.

Is my timetable likely to change?

Timetables published before the start of term are likely to experience some changes, it is therefore not advisable to use them to plan around. After teaching starts there should be fewer changes.  We advise you check your timetable frequently.

A module is not on my timetable?

Please be aware that updates and changes resulting from making module choices can take up to 48 hours to appear. If you feel your timetable is incomplete, after this time, you can contact the appropriate student support staff in your school, using the email address supplied in the student portal.

I thought I would get a free day?

A day free of teaching is something that we aim to provide, however it is not possible in all cases due to the combination of constraints and requirements of particular activities.

I don't know where the room is that is referred to on my timetable?

Take a look at the Queensgate Campus Maps (Campus Map). Help in locating buildings and rooms on campus is available from the iPoint at the entrance to Student Central between 08:00 and 18:00 Monday to Friday or by phone on 01484 471001. Alternatively, please contact your school student support office for further details.

Can I change the classes I'm in?

Only if there is sufficient grounds to warrant the change and if there is space in the session that you wish to move to. You will need permission from the academic leading the delivery and then checks will be made by timetablers to see if the move is possible.

If you wish to change modules rather than groups within a module, then you should complete the module change form instead. All forms are available from your school student support office.

I am a full-time student, I have a job that prevents me from attending a seminar. Can you change the time of the seminar to accommodate me?

We need to consider all the students and staff involved with the course. As much as possible we will accommodate student requests, but we might not be able to resolve every issue. Normal teaching hours are from 09:00 to 18:00 and occasionally we need to go later for some courses. If you have taken a job that is during core teaching time, then you will need to review your module choices or change your working hours.

I have accessed my timetable and things seem to be wrong?

If you are a student that is transferring course or resuming studies after a break there may be a delay in viewing your timetable as your details are updated. 

You should always start any query by contacting iPoint as things that appear to be timetabling problems can by issues elsewhere in the student data cycle.

If you do not get satisfactory help from either iPoint or your tutors then you can contact timetablers on the address below. Please note that this will be the slowest way to get a response.

School Timetable email addresses

Applied Sciences


Arts and Humanities


Business, Education and Law


Computing and Engineering


Human and Health Sciences
