What is the Emily Siddon Building?

The 6,800m² facility on Southgate will be named the Emily Siddon Building and is expected to open in December 2025. Close to the main university campus, it is adjacent to the Daphne Steele Building.

A leading healthcare advocate who spent most of her life in nearby Honley, Emily Siddon strove to improve healthcare and equality in several prestigious roles, often reserved for men. 

An advocate for improving children’s health, Emily was also involved in the creation of children’s homes with better conditions than the workhouse.

Artists impression of the Emily Siddon Building

Emily Siddon will be built to a Platinum WELL standard

WELL is a performance-based system for measuring, certifying, and monitoring features of the built environment that impact human health and well-being, through air, water, nourishment, light, fitness, comfort and mind.

Find out more about the WELL Building Standard.


The Emily Siddon Building is part of a larger site plan

The National Health Innovation Campus is a seven-acre site, with planning permission for up to seven buildings. The University welcomes interest from potential partners who want to be a part of this vision.

Specialist clinical teaching facilities

  • New purpose-built radiography facilities – our specialist clinical teaching facilities and state-of-the-art simulation technology will enable you to learn in a safe, but realistic environment.
  • You’ll also have access to a brand-new Community Diagnostic Centre Hub (CDC). Run by the local NHS trust, the CDC will provide diagnostic tests, including MRI and CT scanners. 

First NHS Community Diagnostic Centre Hub on a UK university campus

Emily Siddon will have the first NHS Community Diagnostic Hub to be co-located on a uk university campus.

Public facing services

  • Community Diagnostic Centre - The ground floor of the Emily Siddon Building will host a Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC), in partnership with Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation Trust. This is a unique partnership, and the first of its kind on a university campus. The CDC will provide access to thousands of additional diagnostic tests for the people of Calderdale and Huddersfield, including MRI and CT scans, in the heart of Huddersfield. It will be the second Community Diagnostic Centre for the Trust, which recently opened its first CDC in central Halifax.
  • Health and Wellbeing Innovation Centre - The Emily Siddon Building will also be home to a Health and Wellbeing Innovation Centre for local entrepreneurs or start-ups and organisations looking to benefit from locating with the University on the campus. The Centre is supported by the West Yorkshire Mayor and Combined Authority through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund. It will be operated by the award-winning team responsible for the University’s 3M Buckley Innovation Centre.

We are delighted that work is well under way on this vital new facility. The Emily Siddon Building will help to enable courses that are vital to meeting the needs of the country's healthcare workforce, and be a home for innovation with major NHS partners including the Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Trust, as well as others in the private and voluntary sectors.

Professor Tim Thornton, University Deputy Vice-Chancellor


Diagnostic Radiography course in Emily Siddon

Our Diagnostic Radiography BSc(Hons) course provides you with the highly specialised technological knowledge required for contemporary imaging practice, whilst also supporting you to develop empathic awareness and the communication skills needed for patient-centred care.  

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To discuss investment opportunities, contact:

Professor Liz Towns-Andrews, 3M Professor of Innovation

Tel: 07540 672953
Email: L.Towns-Andrews@hud.ac.uk