At the University of Huddersfield, we are committed to inspiring the next generation of scientists through our relationships with schools and colleges. We are always looking at ways to establish, build and strengthen these relationships by offering innovative and relevant activities which are of value to both teachers and learners.
A new suite of A Level Practicals for all Practical Assessment Groups, designed to meet specification requirements, and Taking it Further Practicals for post 16 learners embarking on an A Level or BTEC course.
A Level Practicals can be used in place of a practical usually taught by a teacher, or be used in addition to practicals taught in school or college. The aim is to broaden learner knowledge by encouraging challenge and scientific enquiry.
Taking it Further Practicals are designed to cater for all post 16 learners. Whether your learners are embarking on an A Level or BTEC course these practicals aim to enhance the learning experience.
A Level practicals are delivered on our campus by our University staff and provide opportunities to use specialist scientific equipment and to experience a scientific laboratory environment.
Each Taking it Further Practical is carried out here at the University and allows learners to engage with specialist staff, use specialist scientific equipment and learn about current research.