Education Taster Days
Various dates available

Introduction to Higher Education session
Providing this talk to students allows them to learn all about Higher Education.

Early Childhood Education and Care session
This session is designed for students to understand what is involved in our Early Childhood Education and Care degree (ECEC).

Primary Education session
Our Primary Education session is a fully interactive session where students work in teams to complete a learning activity.

Secondary Education session
Our Secondary Education Session consists of a presentation of available subjects students could choose from when wanting to become a Secondary Teacher.

Special Educational Needs and Disability session
This session will cover the knowledge and practical experience students will get on our Special Educational Needs course.

Childhood Studies session
This session looks at understanding what shapes children and young people's lives from birth to age 19.

Education with Psychology session
This session talks about Education with Psychology.

Student panels and facilities tours
Ask our students questions and have them show you around the University.