Biodiversity is the variety and variability of life on Earth, typically a measure of variation at the genetic, species and ecosystem level. Biodiversity is an important component of sustainability, playing a vital role in supporting ecosystem services such as: climate change mitigation, maintaining healthy soils for food production, improved air quality and improved Quality of Life for users through the provision of green space for leisure, recreation and learning.  

It is because of these benefits, and the alarming rate of global biodiversity decline that the University of Huddersfield is committed to not only conserving but enhancing the environment around us. We will ensure a net gain in biodiversity on campus, and in the wider Huddersfield area by introducing and maintaining wildlife corridors to the wider urban and rural landscapes surrounding the University’s campus.  

What we’re doing 

There are a variety of initiatives taking place both on and off campus aimed at enhancing biodiversity and connecting people with nature. Take a look of some of the steps we have taken below: 

  • Enlisted the services of local Ecological Consultancy to advise and assist on the development of our new Biodiversity Management Plan. 
  • Working in collaboration with Kirklees College on the Canalside Project; giving foundation level students hands on experience with our Grounds Maintenance team as part of an annual project. Students gain a variety of transferable skills while understanding the principles of managing land for biodiversity. This has been nominated for awards and has resulted in students completing work placements and securing employment elsewhere at the end of their programme. 
  • Space and support has been provided for the development of the new Staff Allotment Group, who tend to planters on campus and host allotment workshop and events over the lunch period. 
  • We are currently working towards the Hedgehog Friendly Campus award, championing the endangered hedgehog on site and at home. 
  • Bat and bird boxes, as well as hedgehog houses have been installed across campus providing habitat and shelter for a variety of species. These are particularly focused around the woodland area on campus, where we have also created other habitats such as log piles for insects and small mammals. 
  • There has been a net increase in planting and biodiversity on campus as a result of developments such as the Barbara Hepworth and Joseph Priestley East construction projects.  

The HudHogs Hedgehog Friendly Campus campaign

Check out the work we've been doing to make campus Hedgehog friendly!


Planting on Campus

Take a look at the planting regimes that we're implementing on campus and across the student realm areas.


Allotment Groups

We have an allotment groups at the University, check here to find our more or to get involved!


Green Walks

There are several short walks in nature in and around campus, see more here!

Ecological Appraisal Report

In 2021 JCA were commissioned by the University to undertake an ecological assessment of the Queensgate campus

Arboricultural Report

In 2021 JCA were commissioned to assess the trees on the Queensgate Campus

Promoting biodiversity across the University estate helps the University work towards goals 11, 14 and 15 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Promoting biodiversity across the University estate helps the University work towards goals 11, 14 and 15 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.