Plant to plate!
Plant it, harvest it then eat it!

Staff and Student Allotments
Learn about the Staff and Student allotments and planters, and how you can be come involved.

The Orchard
Find out more about the Orchards on Campus
All around the campus there are a selection of green spaces and flower beds found in designated planters, architectural landscaping and the layout of the land the campus is built upon. The Campus Support and Grounds Maintenance team plan, design and tend to these areas over the various seasons of the year, so the areas are always visually interesting, contain native, insect attracting plants and are biodiverse.
Did you know that staff and students have the opportunity to be involved with gardening on campus too?
It is well known that gardening and being outside in the fresh Yorkshire air can have many health and wellbeing benefits, as well as providing a gentle form of exercise and improving mental health. Being surrounded by plants and flowers can help to reduce the heart rate and lower stress levels. Caring for and watching a living thing grow, can give a sense of achievement and reward.
The University has an internal teams group called 'Feel Good Gardening Gang' which all staff and students may join. Members can share gardening knowledge, learn new skills and make new connections and friends. The group also runs events such as plant swaps, coffee/lunch meet ups, talks and walks around campus.
The University has gardening spaces on campus which are available for use to all Staff and Students.
These gardens consist of:
Find out more about each area below.
Plant it, harvest it then eat it!
Learn about the Staff and Student allotments and planters, and how you can be come involved.
Find out more about the Orchards on Campus
Find out more about the Kitchen Herb Garden on Campus.
Find out more about the edible fruit bushes