Tree Planting
Take a break from your desk or studies, to experience ‘hands on’ reforesting an area of land within our community, and show you care about trees!

Build yourself a Bird Box!
Build yourself a bird box made from recycled palettes and create a warm, dry, home for our little feathered friends this winter!

University Waste Facility and Suez Plant Tour
Unravel the mysteries of the complex waste streams at the University, then follow the wastes journey at the Suez processing plant!

Canal & Riverside Trust History Walk and Talk

Slow Cooker Sustenance!
Learn how to make a simple, one pot, slow cooked meal that is delicious, nutritious and cost of living crisis considerate…then enjoy tasting it!

Webinar: Planetary Health and Sustainability
Join us on our second Lunch time learning webinar for Green Week. Hugh Peters will be speaking on the topic of 'Planetary Health and Sustainability'

Silver Screen Society Sustainable Film showing
Join the Students Union 'Silver Screen Society' this Green Week for a very special showing of an animated Sustainable film about a little robot responsible for cleaning a waste-covered Earth.

Webinar: Fossil fuels and Biofuel
Join our first Green Week lunchtime learning webinar where Dr Gina Javanbakht will discuss how 'Fossil fuels are very precious but biofuels are the wisest choice'.

The Big Sustainability Quiz
To finish our Green Week we will be celebrating with a Quiz on all things Sustainability hosted, by the Huddersfield University Quiz Society.
Prizes will be awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams!