You must make sure that you are familiar with the various submission points in your programme. These are set out from the time you start and remain the same throughout your programme. It is your responsibility to check - if you don't know - find out!

You can see an overview of the timeline for your specific award by clicking on the relevant link below:


Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Enterprise (EntD) - Full Time

01 PhD and EntD Timelines FT

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) and Doctor of Enterprise (EntD) - Part Time

02 PhD and EntD Timelines PT

Doctor of Education (EdD) - Full time

03 EdD Timelines FT

Doctor of Education (EdD)  - Part time

04 EdD Timelines PT

Masters by Research (MAR) and Master of Science by Research (MSCR) - Full time

07 MRes Timelines FT

Masters by Research (MAR) and Master of Science by Research (MSCR) - Part time

08 MRes Timelines PT


Please bear in mind when referring to these timelines, the clock starts ticking from the start date indicated on your official offer letter, even if you don't complete your registration in full or meet with your supervisor until after this date. If you are in doubt about when a submission is due, speak to your school PGR administrator as soon as possible.