Building evacuations

Guidance for disabled students on emergency evacuation of University buildings

If you have a disability (physical, cognitive, medical) which will impact on your ability to evacuate in an emergency, it is essential that you read about the Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan, the emergency evacuation procedures and the other sections of this web page relevant to you.

Please link with Disability Services to begin the process of getting a PEEP.

Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP)

More information about how to get a PEEP

Emergency evacuation procedures

Find out more about the emergency evacuation alerts and resources.

Evacuation and mobility or physical difficulties

Find out what action to take to prepare for an emergency evacuation and what to consider ahead of a discussion to produce a PEEP.

Evacuation if you are D/deaf or hearing impaired

Find out what action to take in an emergency evacuation and what to consider ahead of a  discussion to produce a PEEP.

Evacuation if you are blind or visually impaired

Find out what action to take in an emergency evacuation and what to consider ahead of a discussion to produce a PEEP.

Evacuation for medical or cognitive conditions

Find out what action to take in an emergency evacuation and what to consider ahead of a discussion to produce a PEEP.

Emergency evacuation in the Library

Find out about the emergency procedures in the Library and Computing Centre.